Gaia Peruzzi

Gaia Peruzzi

Gaia Peruzzi s Associate Professor of Sociology of culture and communication at the Coris, the Department of Communication and Social Research of Sapienza University of Rome. She teaches Sociology of Cultural Processes (with a workshop on Gender, cultures, society),  Media and Diversity and Humanitarian Communication. She held courses at several Italian and foreign Universitites: Lyon 2 Lumière (FR), USP – Sao Paulo (BRA),  Paris VIII (FR),  Florence (IT), Sassari (IT), Rome 2 Tor Vergata (IT).  She is member of Teaching Staff PhD in Communication, Social Research and Marketing of Sapienza. Since ten years she is scientific responsible of the curriculum Cultural and Communicative Politics in the educational program Fqts, for the Training of the Third Sector organizations managers.

She has directed many researches, courses and projects in the fields of culture and social issues.  At present, she is scientific responsible of the Coris Unit Research in two EU projects: Codes – Communication, Diversity, Solidarity (2017-2020) and Beyond. Conter-Narrations on Migrations (2018-2020).

Her main interests of research include: media and diversity, media and migration, gender questions, social journalism, communication of social issues. Among her most important publications: La comunicazione sociale. Manuale per le organizzazioni no profit (with A. Volterrani) (Laterza 2016); Immagini in movimento. Lo sguardo del cinema italiano sulle migrazioni (with G. Gianturco) (Ed. Jumior 2015); Fondamenti di comunicazione sociale. Diritti, media, solidarietà (Carocci 2011); Amori possibili. Le coppie miste nella provincia italiana (FrancoAngeli 2008).