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The 7th World Conference on Media and Mass Communication 2022 (MEDCOM 2022) encourages you to submit your full papers for publication.

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Full Paper Submission Deadline


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Submission and Publication Process

  • Attend the conference and present your research paper
  • Download the Full Paper Template for proceedings and read the guidelines.
  • Prepare your manuscript according to provided guidelines
  • Upload your paper through TIIKM  Online Journal Systems(OJS) on or before the deadline **
  • Receive review comments for your paper through qualified reviewers
  • Revise your paper based on review comments
  • Upload the revised paper on or before the stipulated deadline
  • Receive the copy of edited manuscripts  for screening prior to DOI submission
  • Confirm your final copy of the paper
  • Get your paper published in OJS
  • Receive DOI link provided by crossref for your manuscript (DOI prefix: 10.17501)

**Guides on account formation and submission will be provided separately via an email.


Areas of Importance

  • Identify one author as the corresponding author (All future communications will be done through the corresponding author)
  • The corresponding author should take the approval of all authors for submission. TIIKM will not be responsible to answer co-authors of the manuscript.
  • The Corresponding author is responsible for the full paper submitted to TIIKM. Co-authors’ names, affiliations and email addresses should be correctly mentioned in the manuscripts and entered in the OJS
  • The manuscript should be in English and checked for grammar and language errors
  • All contributors included in your paper should properly acknowledge with referencing and citations and APA referencing style is the accepted style of referencing
  • All manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word format only
  • If the reviewers suggest advanced revisions authors will be provided more time to revise the manuscript. In such a scenario, the publication of the manuscript will be pushed to the next issue
  • Tables, figures and images should be properly named and of good quality
  • If your study has been funded or supported by any institution, agency etc, please indicate the same under “Acknowledgement”


Benefits of publishing with conference proceedings

  • The entire process will be handled through the Online Journal System in a very professional manner
  • The double-blind peer-reviewing process will ensure that you receive developmental feedback on your paper
  • DOI link provided by crossref for your manuscript (DOI prefix: 10.17501)
  • Archive your manuscripts in Online Journal System (OJS), maintain by TIIKM and enhance citations for your manuscript
  • Share your paper in any web-based sources/ author profiles to strengthen your academic profile
  • Grab this opportunity and get you into a PhD or Master’s program easily and apply for scholarships
  • Having published work will give you a promotional boost to advance your career path and make you more confident

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Areas of Importance in Journal Publication

  • Read through the aims, scope, guidelines of journals
  • Select the most appropriate journal for your paper
  • Prepare your manuscript to conform to journal requirements/ guidelines
  • Execute a language and grammar check before submission
  • The language, flow of the paper and scholarly writing style are of key importance
  • Giving an International flavour would be an additional advantage when submitting to International journals
  • Plagiarism can tarnish an author’s reputation and credibility as a researcher. Hence following ethics will be of utmost importance
  • Quality of graphics and artwork are vital
  • The reference list should be academically sound and should be formatted according to the journal’s preferred referencing style


Benefits of Journal Publication

  • We will guide you to prepare your manuscript to conform to journal requirements through simplified guides
  • Receive comprehensive review comments and even if the feedback is negative it paves the path to develop your paper and re-submit
  • We will follow up and communicate with respective journals with regard to your paper submissions
  • Career growth is supported by journal publications
  • Complete your Undergraduate or Postgraduate studies on a successful note and qualify for further scholarships


The process might look extremely complicated and tiresome. With our publication support packs, you can leave the onerous task of managing the submission and publication process to TIIKM Publishing. Trust our years of experience in dealing with leading academic journals and let us manage the entire process with minimal hassles for you.

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