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Michele Sorice
Michele Sorice is Professor of Democratic Innovation and of Political Sociology at LUISS University, where he is also director of the CCPS (Centre for Conflict and Participation Studies). He also teaches Sociology of Communication.
At LUISS School of Government, he is the Director of Master in Open Government and Institutional Communication (MACOM), and he also teaches at the School of Journalism.
Michele is a member of the Advisory Board of the Media and Politics Group of the Political Studies Association of the UK and member of the Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialists Group of the same association. He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the International PhD in Political Philosophy and Political Science based at LUISS University. He coordinates a European research network on media, democracy and pluralism.
Michele has been Honorary Professor at University of Stirling, Scotland, UK.
He has been teaching Media Sociology for 6 years at the University of Lugano, Switzerland, and he was Professor at the University of Rome la Sapienza, Italy. As Invited Professor, he has also been teaching Political Science at Pontifical Gregorian University for several years. He helds lectures and conferences in some European Universities.
Research interests: democratic innovation, the relationships between media and democracy, the participatory and deliberative democracy, the political communication, the social and political participation.
Email: michele.sorice@ccps.it